As the Energy Transition moves away from fossil fuels and towards a larger renewable energy mix, coupled with the electrification of everything, each and every commercial and industrial facility must future poof itself against industry and system shocks, minimising any business downtime, while working towards a Net Zero Carbon future.
Stratcon's Energy Transition Services begins with baseline analytics of the current status of the facility, including "Step Zero" smart power and energy monitoring. By addressing RA11285 compliance, identification and solutions to facility power situations are provided to improve power optimisation, flexibility and resiliency. Our cyclic approach allows for continual analysis and observation to meet the energy transition, improve energy efficiency while addressing compliance requirements.
After reviewing baseline information and a walk through, Stratcon install the best value for money, comprehensive power (PQA) monitoring across the facility to perform data driven analytics of the system’s dynamic real-time electrical operation. Inclusive of a FREE user license for the life of the product
As a DOE Registered ESCO, Stratcon provides Energy Audits and facilitates other requirements to ensure compliance. Stratcon will also undertake an electrical circuit assessments and reporting, providing recommendations to ensure a flexible and resiliant power system.
Loads are benchmarked, inefficiencies are identified, appropriate EE solutions are assessed, modelled and the the most cost-effective Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) solution implemented inline with Designated Entity AEECR.
Stratcon provides clients with the variety of options to contract cheaper power and/or renewable energy from the variety of market mechanisms the Philippine government and markets have made available for Contestable Customers or entities looking to procure 100% RE.
Identify & implement Demand Side Management solutions in line with Time of Use (ToU) or WESM Spot Market trading to lower overall power OPEX
The most cost effective means to ensure stable, reliable power is to install supercapacitor energy storage systems providing a range of power quality services on top of extended storage and delivery capabilities at an LCOS of $0.05/kWh. Then, to add variable RE is the best pathway to meeting a Net Zero Carbon target.
After only 4 months of comprehensive data collection, developing a high resolution, complex load analysis, real time information feeds our complex algorithms predicting behaviour, leading to AI management solutions.
Why do we undertake energy transition services and solutions? To do our part in addressing climate change but also to be increasingly competitive in an ever increasing resource constrained way. We provide advisory services on the following:
As a member of both PE2 and PSSEA with Trustee representation, we are well versed in current regulatory and market developments in the Philippines.
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